“Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” Matt. 5:5
The Blessed Meek
Instead of the powerful, influential, and wealthy, Jesus says the meek are blessed. This goes against modern-day thinking that measures blessing by popularity and influence.
Defining a Meek Person
The Old Testament meek person was fully submitted to God. When things went well the person blessed God, and if things were going poorly they still blessed God.
Aristotle said meekness lays somewhere between excessive anger and angerlessness.
Plato considered someone meek if they attempted to right wrong and challenge injustice. He saw a wrongdoer as sick, in need of healing.
The New Testament translates meek as gentle, modest, unselfish, teachable, and cooperative.
Being Truly Meek
Four things define someone who is meek: power, control, willfulness, and purpose. Meekness is power under willful submission, being genuinely strong without needing to express it. Someone meek uses power correctly.
Meekness is the quality Jesus modeled by humbly becoming a man. He clearly displayed this attitude when washing the disciple’s feet. Out of meekness His life is a portrait of carrying a shepherds rod, a king’s scepter, wearing a prophets mantel, and yet He used a towel serving others.
The Helper
One expression of Holy Spirit fruit is gentleness, an outward form of meekness. This display of spiritual formation is not something personally produced, the Holy Spirit produces this quality.
Inheriting the Earth
Jesus declared the meek inherit the land; land serving as a symbol of all God’s promises fulfilled. The meek, therefore, inherit the promises of God.
God desires to grant the full right of citizenship in His Kingdom to those under His rule. When He rules, the meek are God-controlled and live a more disciplined life. God can then give what He promised.
The Serenity Prayer
Reinhold Niebuhr wrote the Serenity Prayer, displaying meekness:
“God, give me grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, Courage to change the things which should be changed, and the Wisdom to distinguish the one from the other.”
People are to live one day at a time, enjoy one moment at a time, and accept hardship as a pathway to peace. Take, as Jesus did, the world as it is, not as you would have it. Trust that He will make all things right, if you surrender to His will. In so doing, you can be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy in the next.
Ask the Holy Spirit to develop greater gentleness in your life. Have courage to change the things which can be changed, and willingly surrender to His will when change is impossible. Make Him ruler of your life and experience full citizenship in the Kingdom.
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